ERASMUS KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in adult education
EProject: 2024-1-EL01-KA122-ADU-000224923
- empowerment of our trainers, by building mindfulness, resilience and promoting well-being
- improving the ability to include people with particularities
- sustainability of knowledge
- improvement of our organization at the level of modernization in its operation
- digital and ecological upgrading through contacts with European organizations
- extroversion
- promotion of European programs
At skill level:
- empowerment – strengthening of skills (mindfulness-resilience) and well-being In terms of knowledge
- development of a corpus of practices in nature for the development of skills
- improvement of the ability to create mobilities of high quality
At the level of attitudes/behaviors:
- increasing trainers’ capacity to respond to people with particularities
- promoting sustainability
- promoting European consciousness